Incomplete list of public vocabularies
& datasets & SKOS
This is a community page for links to SKOS data in RDF.
The SWD working group has edited a SKOS Implementation report which gathers vocabulary submissions by the SKOS community in response to the W3C’s Call for implementations SEO Melbourne | melbourne web developer | air spray gun | Airless Spray
Below, you’ll find some SKOS datasets which had been advertised to the community before this listing effort, or that have been created afterwards. There are also probably some other datasets at the Data Hub (CKAN), using the format-skos tag. See this page
Please feel free to edit this page and add links to your data! Or do it via CKAN using the format-skos tag
STW Thesaurus for Economics
STW Thesaurus for Economics Thesaurus for economics and business economics in English and German, including a classification of subject categories. Maintained by ZBW – Leibniz Centre for Economics. Published as RDFa pages and RDF/XML dataset, licensed under Creative Commons (by-nc-sa). A STW web service and a SPARQL endpoint (in beta state) are available, too. STW is mapped to DBpedia, SWD,TheSoz and Agrovoc.
Thesaurus for the Social Sciences
Thesaurus for the Social Sciences in German, French and English, maintained by GESIS – Leibniz Institute for Social Sciences. The thesaurus contains about 12,000 entries, of which more than 8,000 are descriptors (authorised keywords) and about 4,000 non-descriptors. Topics of all social science disciplines are included.
This Dataset uses SKOS-XL as well as personal defined extensions in order to represent compound equivalence relationships between terms. TheSoz contains links to DBpedia, STW and AGROVOC. Additional information can befound at the Data Hub page.
Downloadable as RDF/XML (after filling out the form) and also available via SPARQL endpoint. A Linked Data frontend has been established at The TheSoz is licensed under Creative Commons (by-nc-nd).
Country Codes
As standardized in ISO 3166-1:
Drug Administration Forms
Clinical drug administration forms mapped to SNOMED CT and FDA codes:
Vocabularies for GeoSciML Geoscience information interchange
A collection of vocabularies created for populating geoscience information interchange document have been compiled by the Concept Definition Task Group. There are currently 33 skos rdf vocabulary files in the CDTG repository. A discussion paper is also posted. Each vocabulary targets a property in the GeoSciML GML markup language that is populated using scoped names. Some of the vocabularies: composition category, contact type, fault type, foliation type, genetic category, geologic unit morphology, particle shape, simple lithology.
DDC Dewey Decimal Classification
Experimental access to the top three levels of DDC ( A SPARQL endpoint is provided also. Reuseable under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND license.
Libris’ vocabularies
The Swedish union catalogue Libris ( uses SKOS to represent its subject headings and align them to LCSH. See for example for documentation see and the Dublin Core 2008 paper.
National Széchényi Library’s vocabularies
A follow-up on the first SKOS implementation for the thesaurus of the Hungarian national library, the subject terms and locations of this vocabulary are now available as open linked data, next to the the book catalogue of the library which uses them. Check out orárizs. Many concepts are mapped to dbPedia. See documentation at
Library of Congress’ vocabularies
The linked data site for LoC’s Authorities and Vocabularies server at features among others LCSH, TGM and the MARC relators as SKOS concept schemes. LCSH is mapped to RAMEAU
German national Library’ subject headings
Large parts of DNB’s authority files (including the SWD subject headings) are available as linked data. See for documentation, examples and downloads. Concepts are mapped to LCSH, DBpedia, VIAF, RAMEAU and the German version of the Dewey Decimal Classification.
French National Library’s subject headings
A prototype version of the BnF subject headings (RAMEAU) is available at It is mapped to LCSH and SWD
The Virtual International Authority File includes SKOS representation of person authorities, see
Wikipedia categories
Wikipedia categories are available through the Dbpedia service see
New York Times subjects
New York Times subject headings are available via and connected to NYT’s papers. They are also mapped tofreebase, DBpedia and Geonames.
IVOA astronomy vocabularies
The International Virtual Observatory Alliance encourages the use of SKOS for its vocabularies and provides a number of them already SKOSified, see
NASA taxonomy
NASA provides SKOS vocabularies at
GEMET General Multilingual Environmental Thesaurus
The European Environment Information and Observation Network (EIONET) hosts a GEMET Linked Data service in 28 languages using SKOS at
AGROVOC Agricultural Thesaurus
FAO provides a SKOS version of AGROVOC through the Concept Server available at AGROVOC has been mapped to CAT, NAL, SWD, GEMET, some of these links may be soon reflected on the server.
Linked Life Data
This biomedical repository interlinks more than 20 data sources, many of them featuring SKOS concepts and SKOS mapping relations. See for access and for details on the data.
Taxonconcept provides reference species concepts as linked data, see
UK Public sector vocabularies
The UK Electronic Service Delivery relies on SKOS for its “standards” part ( See for an overview of available vocabularies, and for an example concept.
UMBEL Upper Mapping and Binding Exchange Layer
UMBEL is a lightweight structure for relating Web content and data to a standard set of 21,000 subject concepts, based principally on SKOS and derived from OpenCyc. These concepts have defined relationships between them, and can act as fixed reference points for mapping global information on the Web.
Blogger’s Topics
See pages by Norm Walsh Morten Frederiksen. Also here.
GTAA, MeSH and IPSV For the most recent GTAA publication, see
UKAT UK Archival Thesaurus
RDF description of the UKAT published by the UKAT project (using the 2005 version of SKOS).
W3C Glossaries
Language codes
As standardized in ISO 639:
The controlled vocabulary server of the International Press Telecommunications Council (IPTC) now serves the IPTC NewsCodes as SKOS.
Government of Canada Core Subject Thesaurus
“The Government of Canada Core Subject Thesaurus is a bilingual thesaurus consisting of terminology which represents all the fields treated in information resources of the Government of Canada.” (from
Web NDL Authorities from National Diet Library of Japan
The Web NDL Authorities Service provides name authorities and subject headings as Linked Data. Although the service has only Japanese UI, almost all records have English transcription so that you can search names/headings by English words. It offers about a million authority records as 15M RDF triples. Each record is described with such vocabularies as SKOS, SKOS-XL, DC and RDA Elements G2. Records are linked to LCSH, VIAF etc. with SKOS mapping properties where applicable. The service delivers HTML, RDF/XML or Turtle representation depending on the request’s accept header, or explicit extension (.html, .rdf, .ttl respectively) (example). It also provides a SPARQL endpoint. Further examples:Agen Domino99 poker online uang asliJane Austen and art installations.
Australian education vocabularies
A set of vocabularies released by Education Service Australia (ESA). Includes the Schools Online Thesaurus (ScOT), a controlled vocabulary used in Australian and New Zealand schools that encompasses all subject areas as well as terms describing educational and administrative processes.
Geological Survey Austria
The GBA-Thesaurus Projekt provides concepts from the geological domain, like Alluvial deposits. The thesaurus is bilingual German/English.
reegle Clean Energy and Climate Change Thesaurus
The Clean Energy and Climate Change Thesaurus contains information on renewables, energy efficiency and climate change for public re-use. This thesaurus is used by the Linked Clean Energy Dataset.
Social Semantic Web Thesaurus
The SSW Thesaurus is about people, organizations, applications and technologies relevant for the area of the Social Semantic Web.
Cadastre and Land Administration Thesaurus
The Cadastre and Land Administration Thesaurus, shortly CaLAThe provides a Knowledge Organization System for the domain of cadastre and land administration. The first version of CaLAThe (Sept. 2011) was comprising of about 110 English terms addressing static aspect of the domain, including mappings to the GEMET thesaurus, the AGROVOC thesaurus, and the STW Thesaurus for Economics. The second version (Oct. 2012) was supplemented with 35 terms addressing the dynamic or process aspect of the domain.
The CaLAThe is available from, which besides term search allows for alphabetical listing, graphical overview (in terms of .svg-files), and tabular overview.
Adecuate, an ontology over peoples interests
The Adecuate ontology is a simple data structure for arranging data in a creative way making it easier to access for other users. Suitable for use in sharing of social media online.
Proposed international standard nomenclature for fields of science and technology
The Proposed international standard nomenclature for fields of science and technology was proposed in 1973 and 1974 by the Division of Science Policy and Statistics for Science and Technology of UNESCO and adopted by the Scientific Advisory Committee. This is a classification system widely used in knowledge management of research projects and dissertations.
UNESCO Thesaurus
The UNESCO Thesaurus is a controlled and structured list of terms used in subject analysis and retrieval of documents and publications in the fields of education, culture, natural sciences, social and human sciences, communication and information.
Eurovoc is the European Union multilingual thesaurus. It is available for download in SKOS to registered users. The ontology used extends SKOS and SKOS-XL to express in particular the structure of domains and microthesauri.